Buying & Selling

Buy & Selling



  • Where can I buy a Blythe doll or Blythe related items?

Yahoo Japan (Auctions) – For further information on using a proxy service, see How to Use a Proxy Service

  • Facebook Pages/Groups
    There are several but a few of the most popular ones are:

Adopt a Doll
Kenner Blythe Club
Queen Bees Dolly Boutique
The Original Dolly Duds and Sundries For Sale

  • A seller has asked me to send payment as ‘Friends and Family’, should I do so?

Personally, I would NOT recommend this. If anything goes wrong with the sale, you do not have PayPal’s buyer protection. This is seen as how to send money as a gift to a friend or family (hence the name), not for purchases. If the doll/item is damaged, lost, or not as described, you may not have PayPal protection. However, if you pay by goods and services, PayPal does provide buyer’s protection. For a full explanation, please see PayPal.

  • How can I ensure that I’m buying from a reputable seller?

It can be tricky. There are a lot of great sellers out there, but if you’re unsure, it’s okay to ask for feedback or references. Sellers may have eBay, Etsy, or other buyers that can provide feedback on how previous transactions have gone. There are also a few doll specific feedback websites that you may wish to check.
Dolly Buyer/Seller Beware on Facebook
Bad Doll Deals on Facebook
Bad Dolly Deals Older but still a good resource to consider


  • Where can I sell dolls and related items?

-If handmade by you, Etsy can be a nice option.

-If selling secondhand or not made by you, eBay or Facebook may work well.

-Facebook has many groups. Check the rules before posting, as they will vary by group.

How to Package a Blythe for Shipping

-A box and a little bit of paper does not work. Light colored fabric or tissue paper will help. Don’t directly wrap a doll in bubble wrap. Bubble wrap can ‘stick’ to the doll.

-If you have the Takara shipper box, it’s easy to use those for shipping.

-Don’t let the pull ring touch the doll. This can melt and be a big problem later.

  • How do I avoid issues in terms of shipping?

-Insurance. PayPal will likely side with the buyer, and if you cannot provide proof that the postal service has lost the doll, you will have to issue a refund. So, you may lose the doll and the money.