Takara Blythe Dolls

Takara produced Blythe from 2001 to 2021.
At that time, CWC changed manufacturers to the Good Smile Company (GSC).

However, in 20 years, Takara produced many Blythe dolls in 3 sizes – Neo, Middie, and Petite.


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Neo Blythe dolls are 11.5 inches tall. They feature an eye mechanism that changes color when the pullstring is pulled. The earliest Neo Blythe dolls feature Licca bodies however, this was changed as of the first Anniversary doll. The bodies used for most Neo Blythe releases are very similar to the original Kenner Blythe body. Their heads can move left to right but do not tilt. 

Middie Blythe dolls are 8 inches tall and their eyes do not change color. Their eyes change direction and their heads tilt to a variety of angles. Their eyes change direction with a horizontal dial on the back of their head. 

Petite Blythe dolls are 4.5 inches tall and have varied over the years. Some of the oldest are keychains with eyes that stay open and painted on shoes. The petites changed over time to have removable shoes, posable legs, etc. 

To see a complete list of Takara releases, please see Blythopia