History of Blythe

History of Blythe

Who is Allison?


Allison Katzman is the creator of Blythe. For more information about Kenner Blythe dolls, please see The Kenner Blythe Guide.

Who is Gina?


Gina Garan revived Blythe from obscurity. Garan’s book of photography, titled This is Blythe, helped to bring Blythe to the attention of many, including Junko Wong.

Who is Junko?


Junko Wong is the Blythe Creative Producer, in addition to being the CEO & President of Cross World Connections Group and responsible for Takara Blythe dolls today.


For a full history on Kenner Blythe dolls, please visit The Kenner Blythe Guide.

For a history of modern Blythe dolls, please visit BlytheDoll.com.